In March 2019 CSP Partnership acquired the Emergency Operations Bunker in Inverness. This is a "B" listed building in the Raigmore estate - near the hospital.

This web-site is just a holding page for pictures and information as the bunker was being refitted.

If you want to see some current pictures of the bunker and/or book a tour you should head over to the new site: New web-site for the bunker

The building was one of three bunkers. These were originally constructed in 1940/41 for use by the RAF as a RADAR signal processing facility. By 1946 the bunkers handled RADAR signals from around the entire Scottish coast, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man as well as part of Northern England.

Like many organisations, Covid has hit us badly. We were planning to open two areas of the bunker in museum status this May. We had plans to take small guided tours around the two museum areas. It just cant happen. Looking the the Scottish Government information, it may be September before we can allow even small PPE'd groups in. We suspect that is not realistic for us to open under these conditions.

We continue to maintain, curate and design new exhibits.

In June 21 we took delivery of a "top side" display. A cold-war exhibition of a Westland Lynx Helicopter. Check out here to see some of the pictures of it being delivered.

Once it has been checked out for safety we expect to offer photo sessions to visitors. NO, you cant take off in it.

The few hundred visitors who have been on our "Doors Open" tour last year or the Christmas Day tour will now find more than an empty shell of a building. We will welcome you back, when it is safe.

The bunker is structured into three museum sections:

We are working to get our catalogue on-line, but that all takes time. Bear with us.

So, at present, you cannot get into this historic listed building, but you are able to see photographs of many of the exhibits below.

PDP-8 historic Computer related
PDP-11 historic Computer related
Autophon SG Sima-80 Nuclear Bomb Blast simulator
Hand cranked generator 12v 6115-99-949-8134

Bunker related
As of Sept 1st we have just finished running Doors Open 2019 tours of the bunker. About 120 visitors went through the bunker in guided tours. The building was a shell only - with no exhibits. Despite that we won an award from "Doors Open" for the most improved exhibition. We thank the visitors who voted for us in this National competion.

Over Christmas/New-Year 2019/20 we ran a few more tours and had another 70 folk through the doors on free guided tours. The Nicholsons from Outlander: The Past Lives Experience Their web-site took a number of photos and have given permission for them to be used on our site. Visit here to see them Click Here.

The text on the reverse of the "pass" is repeated below:

The Emergency Bunker is a Historic Listed Building. It is now owned by CSP Partnership. Change of use planning permission is currently underway. The plan submitted allows a significant area of the bunker to become a museum celebrating it’s four different uses – from the 1940s WW2 radar processing bunker to the 2010s use by the Highland Council as an emergency response bunker.

Historic pictures and information about the bunker will appear on the web-site

The bunker is in private ownership. We expect the museum section to be formed as a charity or a community interest company.

As you can see from the tour there is a huge amount of work to be done to turn the bunker from the shell it is into an area exhibiting the historical significance of the building.

Once the bunker museum is formed it would be grateful for support – donations of equipment, time or money – to enable it to progress to a fully open status. We know we need help from a wide range of folk: model-makers, restorers of old radio equipment, grant application writers, presenters who can run tours, painters, artists, woodworkers, you name it, we could use it!

If you are prepared to help or just to be kept informed, you can register as a “Friend of the Bunker” to receive further information as the project progresses.

email info at to get further information about the bunker, or if you can offer more details about the use and operation of this bunker.

0845 463 463 3 should get to us most working hours.

All input gratefuly received.

The Bunker is building (2) to the right of the BARRACKS in the map below.

1940s restricted map Raigmore bunker and barracks

This was the RAF 1943 Christmas menu. At that time the 13th Group seemed to "run the show". Bunker Menu - no 13 Group Inverness Christmans 1943

Apart from three ventilation shafts, the property is primariliy underground. Above ground all that shows are the entry and exit channels and three ventilation shafts.

Inverness Nuclear Bunker circa 1990

Underground, there are about 50 rooms spread over the two floors. No, we have not found any secret passages... YET

Bunker Inverness which phone in which room

Entrance (and exit) is via a series of blast-proof doors.

Blast Proof - Entry to Raigmore Bunker 2018

The main entrance - constructed as part of the 1990 renovation.

Entrane to Raigmore Bunker40

Renovated in the early 1990s - all asbestos removed - the building has sophisticated life support systems, intended to protect the inhabitants from Nuclear, Chemical and Biological attacks - no, not a direct nuclear strike, but to survive in the contaminated aftermath. Below you see part of the ventialtion system. The push-bikes can be used to drive fresh-air around the building when the power has failed and the backup generators are offline.

Inverness Bunker-Air supply Bikes in ventalation room

One of the two generators - 6 cyl diesel Perkins. The entire mains electrical wiring system uses MICC (AKA pyro) - mineral insulated copper clad cable. wiki article

Nuclear Bunker - 1 of 2 6 cylinder perkins generators

circa 2018

Inverness Nuclear Bunker  circa 2018 - outside view

Looking North 2018

outside Inverness Bunker view looking north 2018


outside view

Electrical services

Bunker wiring diagra - part 1

Electrical services

?Bunker wiring diagra - part 2

Electrical services

Bunker wiring diagra - part 3


Bunker Inverness which phone in which room Bunker Inverness which phone in which room

1941 Raigmore Estate

1941 Raigmore estate - showing bunker and hospital Overlay of new roads on Inverness 1941 photo Raigmore House circo 1940s and 3510 Fighter Control Unit Raigmore Inverness GM31XR RAF Pass Raigmore Bunker ?? 1940s Fighter Group boundaries20 1940s restricted map Raigmore bunker and barracks ?? Raigmore Bunker - plan of area 1940s Raigmore House - state of disrepair Arial picture of Raigmore in the 40s to 60s ?? ?? Inverness Bunker operations room 1990s Inverness Bunker comms room 1990s ?? Blast Proof - Exit from Raigmore Bunker 2018 Blast Proof - Entry to Raigmore Bunker 2018 ?? Raigmore Bunker - exit past the decontamination showers ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Activated Carbon air filters in the filtration room at Raigmore Bunker Inside ot 10m suis pistol target commonwealth games Glasgow 2014 ?? Bisley Shooting Ground - Lord Roberts about 2015, 50m 3P competition ?? Commonweath Games Glasgow 2014 - set up of the range ?? World War 2 WW2 table of Planting and period of use World War 2 WW2 what to do in any war-time emergency Bycicles in the ventalation room of Inverness Raigmore Bunker ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Ministry of Food 1944-45 Ration Book Junior ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??